Ontario is a vastly beautiful area of Canada. With lots of lakes and even the Lake Superior, there is plenty to see and do. Everything from big RV Resorts to more rural and humble areas, Ontario has you covered. Parks This section will be about places that have full hookup. It does not have to. Reviews on Cruising Spots in San Diego, CA, United States - Trolley Barn Park, Balboa Park, Mission Bay Park, Bird Park, Kit Carson Park, Lemon Grove Park, Sunset Cliffs Natural Park, Shelter Island Shoreline Park, Kate O Sessions Memorial Park, Liberty Station NTC Park.
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Valdez offers a variety of fishing opportunities from the road system and, depending on your timing, it's possible to catch any of five species of salmon, Dolly Varden, rainbow trout, and grayling. Doesn't matter if your offshore charter is down because of weather and you're looking to kill some time, if you're camping out for the weekend, or if you're on vacation and looking for a place to sample some great Alaska fishing, Valdez is the place to be.
Getting There
Valdez is accessible by highway, by commercial air service, by boat, and by the Alaska Marine Highway system. There are lots of ways to get here, and all of them expose you to some of Alaska's most spectacular scenery. If you're taking a road trip, you're looking at about 300 miles from Anchorage, which will take you roughly five hours, depending on construction along the way. If you're coming down from Fairbanks, it's 360 miles, or about six hours. Either way, youll drive over beautiful Thompson Pass, with its stunning vistas of the Chugach Range's rugged peaks. Farther along, you enter Keystone Canyon, with literally dozens of glaciers in sight, raging whitewater rivers, and spectacular waterfalls. It's an unforgettable drive. Rolling on toward Valdez, you enter the coastal rainforest in the Lowe River Valley before finding yourself in Valdez.
If you prefer to fly, commercial flights are available from Anchorage or Fairbanks, to Pioneer Field on the outskirts of Valdez.
Valdez is an important cruise ship destination, and a port of call for the Alaska Marine Highway system.
The pace in Valdez is a lot easier than the busyness of Seward or Homer, yet everything you need is right there. You'll find nice hotels, several RV parks with both tent and RV sites. One of them has small cabins for rent. There's a campground out at Allison Point, and the Valdez Glacier Campground offers 87 campsites, 21 RV pads with electric hookups, RV dump station, water, hot showers and restroom facilities. Each campsite has picnic tables. In town you'll find a large grocery store, tackle shops, a marine parts dealer, and restaurants ranging from fancy to simple. There are a couple of processors located in the harbor area that will vacuum pack and flash-freeze your catch for you, and provide ice for the trip home.
Rent a Boat!
The best way to improve your odds of success for silvers, kings, halibut and rockfish is to rent a boat in Valdez and fish the bay- Port Valdez. There are many locations you can go, depending on the weather. Inside the bay, try trolling for silvers or feeder kings off Mineral Creek, Gold Creek, or Shoup Bay. Farther out, but well within striking distance is Valdez Narrows, a popular trolling area for silvers. Halibut and rockfish can be found in the bay, Valdez Narrows, and beyond. The boat rental outfits can also set you up with the appropriate rods and reels, in case you don't have what you need for that kind of fishing. Avaliable boats range from open skiffs to covered boats to get you out of the rain, if need be. All the bait and tackle you need is available in Valdez.
Don't Forget Your Derby Ticket!
Valdez hosts derbies for halibut and silver salmon every year, and the prizes range from charter fishing trips to gear, to substantial amounts of cash. Derby winners have been caught right in the small boat harbor, so you don't have to go on a long trip on the saltwater to take a derby fish. Tickets are reasonably priced, so there's no reason to go without one. Tickets are available at local tackle shops in Valdez.
Available Species
The roadside fishery in the Valdez area offers diverse freshwater and saltwater species. Here's an overview:
There are several stocked lakes in the area, offering rainbow trout and grayling. In most cases, grayling are no longer stocked, but they have become established and are spawning in the wild. Most lakes are stocked in the spring, with catchable rainbow trout. Dolly Varden are available in most freshwater streams. Salmon use many of the area streams, but only two rivers are open to freshwater salmon fishing; a section of the Robe River, and below the weir at the Solomon Gulch Hatchery. Both fisheries are productive for salmon, with pinks taking the top slot in terms of sheer numbers, followed by silvers later in the summer. The most productive sockeye fishery is the Robe River flyfishing area.
Although halibut and rockfish are occasionally caught from shore along Port Valdez, the big draws are salmon and Dolly Varden. All five species of Pacific salmon are caught here, and bag limits are generous. Dollies may be caught year-round, and salmon fishing of one kind or another is available all summer. Feeder kings can be taken at any time of the year, however your best bet for king salmon is out of a boat in Port Valdez and beyond, into Prince William Sound.
Please review our species pages, listed in the menu on the right side of this page, for more details on techniques and tackle for these species.
Tackle and Techniques
There are many methods you can employ to catch fish in Valdez. The Robe River fly-fishing area requires fly gear. The most common method of fly-fishing for sockeye doesn't require a fly rod, however. Most anglers use a medium-weight spinning rod rigged with 15-20 lb. monofilament line. Tie a coho fly or other streamer and crimp a few splitshot above that to get your line down to where the fish are. The technique is known as 'flipping'; the idea is to drag your fly just off the bottom in an arc to intercept fish that are moving upriver.
Snagging is legal in saltwater, and for that all you need are weighted treble hooks.
Silvers, chums, and pinks can be caught on fly gear, but in saltwater areas you're better off with Vibrax spinners or Pixee spoons. Bring a variety of sizes and colors. Herring fished under a bobber is a deadly technique for silvers. Rig your bobber about three or four feet above the bait. Herring size is important, as silvers may not take the larger sizes. Go with blue label or green label herring sizes for the best results.
Refer to our Species pages for more details on tackle and techniques for each species.
Fishing Locations
Note that the only freshwater streams open to salmon angling in this area are the flyfishing-only section of the Robe River, and the section of Solomon Gulch Creek 300 feet downstream of the hatchery weir. Other streams are open to Dolly Varden fishing, but not salmon.
There are both freshwater and saltwater fishing options from the road system near Valdez, and depending on your timing, some of them can offer outstanding fishing opportunities. Here's an overview:
1. Worthington Lake. Species: Rainbow trout, grayling (stocked). Access: MP 27.5 Richardson Highway. Drive east out of Valdez, through Keystone Canyon. Worthington Lake is above the large switchback on your right.
2. Blueberry Lake. Species: Rainbow trout, grayling (stocked). Access: MP 24.1 Richardson Highway. Turn off takes you a mile to Blueberry Lake State Recreation Area. There are two lakes here, and both are stocked.
3. Old Town Valdez. Species: Chum salmon, king salmon, pink salmon, silver salmon, sockeye salmon, Dolly Varden. The shoreline area near the old townsite of Valdez offers casting opportunities for all five species of salmon, along with Dolly Varden. Access: Take the dirt road west at MP 0 on the RIchardson Highway, and continue through the old Valdez townsite to the shoreline.
Amenities: None
4. Robe River. Species: Sockeye salmon, silver salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon. Dolly Varden. The Robe River is the outflow of Robe Lake, an important spawning area for both red and silver salmon. Owing to the growth of various species of aquatic vegetation during the summer months and the subsequent decay cycle of these pond weeds during the fall and winter months, oxygen depletion and the loss of spawning habitat is a concern. The Valdez Fisheries Development Association (VFDA) operates a harvester on the lake, which trims pond weeds, in order to open up spawning habitat and improve oxygen production in the lake. The river itself is the corridor salmon use to get to the lake. The section of the Robe River upstream of the highway is closed to salmon fishing, however the section from the highway bridge to a point 300 feet downstream of the confluence of the Robe and Lowe River confluence is designated as a flyfishing only area for salmon. The Robe River is choked with brush to the banks, and access can be difficult. Additionally, bears are known to inhabit this area during salmon season, so anglers should proceed with extreme caution. The best way to access the Robe River is to launch a raft or a canoe at the highway bridge and float downstream. Access: MP 2.5 of the Richardson Highway offers a turnout from which you can walk down to the river. The brush is thick here, but the river can be waded at normal water levels. Your best bet is to wade and cast to individual fish you can spot if you're wearing polarized glasses. The most popular access point is at the lower end, which is accessed via the dirt road behind the ball fields on the east side of the highway. This road takes you to the river mouth.
Amenities: None
5. Lowe River. Species: Dolly Varden. The Lowe River is closed to salmon fishing, but it does offer good opportunities for Dolly Varden later in the season after the glacier freezes and the water clears up. Access: The Lowe River parallels the Richardson Highway from the outskirts of Valdez through Keystone Canyon, offering several access points along the way. The upstream section of the Lowe River above the Dayville Road bridges has some sections of whitewater and can be dangerous to inexperienced rafters. One of the better places to fish the Lowe River is to take Dayville Road to the highway bridges over the Lowe River. Turn off the RIchardson Highway at MP 2.6 and travel east along Dayville Road to the bridges (there are two). The river is braided in this area and quite deep and swift. The shoreline is mostly choked with thick alders, and impassable. Try a raft or an inflatable canoe, drifting downstream and fishing from any of several gravel bars in the riparian zone. The take-out is at the confluence of the Robe River, which can be accessed via the roads behind the ball fields just outside of Valdez.
Amenities: None
6. Solomon Gulch Creek. Species: Pink salmon, silver salmon, Dolly Varden. The best fishing here is for pink salmon during July and August, but the area is known to attract both brown and black bears at that time. These bears are mostly acclimated to humans, however extreme caution should be exercised at all times. Do not keep your fish on a stringer in the river, or lying on the banks. Access: MP 2.6 Richardson Highway, east along Dayville Road to the Solomon Gulch Fish Hatchery. Park in the lot across the creek from the hatchery and walk downstream. You can start fishing at the ADFG markers 300 feet downstream of the weir.
7. Allison Point. Species: Chum salmon, king salmon, pink salmon, silver salmon, sockeye salmon, Dolly Varden. This area offers shore-based saltwater fishing for both salmon and Dolly Varden, and is very popular during the peak of the pink salmon run. Access: MP 2.6 Richardson Highway, east along Dayville Road, past the Solomon Gulch Fish Hatchery to Allison Point. You can park along the shoulder of the road, or camp in any of several camping areas.
8. Breakwater Beach. Species: Chum salmon, king salmon, pink salmon, silver salmon, sockeye salmon, Dolly Varden. This is a shore-based saltwater fishery located right in the town of Valdez. It's a popular area, so expect to see other people there. Access: Along the waterfront area, turn south off of Fidalgo Avenue onto Breakwater Street. Park and walk to beach area.
Amenities: None at the site, but restrooms and all other facilities are within walking distance.
9. Ruth Pond. Species: Rainbow trout, grayling (stocked). Located in downtown Valdez at the intersection of Hazlet and Fidalgo Avenues, Ruth pond provides a nice diversion from the hectic crowds that you may see during the peak of the salmon season. It's park setting makes it a great place to take small children.
10. Mineral Creek. Species: Chum salmon, king salmon, pink salmon, silver salmon, sockeye salmon, Dolly Varden. Mineral Creek itself is closed to salmon fishing, however it does offer Dolly Varden. Salmon may be caught in saltwater near the river mouth area. Bears are sometimes found in this area, so proceed with caution. Access: Take Eagan Drive west of town to Mineral Creek. Before crossing the creek, turn left onto Blueberry Hill Road. Follow Blueberry Hill Road to the end, and walk to the river mouth area.
Amenities: None
11. Gold Creek. Species: Chum salmon, king salmon, pink salmon, silver salmon, sockeye salmon, Dolly Varden. Gold Creek is closed to salmon fishing, however it is open to Dolly Varden. Salmon may be caught in saltwater near the river mouth area. Access: Park at the Shoup Bay Trail trailhead and hike about 3.2 miles west along the Shoup Bay Trail. Turn left to access the Gold Creek camping area near the river's mouth. More information about this section of the Shoup Bay Trail can be found AT THIS LINK.
12. Shoup Bay. Species: Chum salmon, king salmon, pink salmon, silver salmon, sockeye salmon, Dolly Varden. This is a very rugged area, but it is possible to get to the water to fish saltwater for various species. Access: Hike west and north 6.3 miles along the Shoup Bay Trail to inner Shoup Bay. This is a steep, arduous hike that should not be attempted by people who are not in good physical condition. You can read more about this section of the Shoup Bay Trail AT THIS LINK.
Caring for Your Catch
Good fish care starts the moment you land your fish. Alaska commercial salmon fishermen know this well, with the commonly-heard command, 'Throw a fish, lose your job!' Fish left flopping on the bank are prone to bruising. They also build up lactic acid as they struggle, which has a negative effect on the quality of the meat. Take good care of your fish, and you'll have many fine meals ahead.
Stun and bleed your fish immediately, then clean it and get it on ice. Take a look at our page on Caring for Your Catch for more ideas. Jon Rowley, a former commercial salmon troller from Southeast Alaska, wrote an excellent article on proper fish care, and it's worth a read. CLICK HERE for that article.
Valdez offers ice for sale at several locations. Stock your cooler in advance, and ice your fish as soon as possible. There is a public fish cleaning station located in the harbor area, or you can clean your fish at the location where they were caught. Fish waste can be deposited in the river or ocean, but be careful to toss it as far out into deeper water as possible. Fish waste is a huge attraction for bears, and you don't want to cause issues for the next person who comes along. Several businesses in Valdez offer filleting, vacuum packing and flash freezing of your catch.
If you plan to fish anywhere in Prince William Sound, you need two books in your boat, as follows:
The Cruising Guide to Prince William Sound
Jim and Nancy Lethcoe's 'Cruising Guide to Prince William Sound' is a must-have for anyone navigating or overnighting anywhere in Prince William Sound. Jim and Nancy spent many years camping and cruising in the sound, and the Cruising Guide is the only guide to all the details you need. Anchorages, dangerous areas, weather patterns, sources for fresh water, private lands, it's all there.
Kayaking and Camping in Prince William Sound
Paul Twardock spent over 20 years kayaking in the sound, and he's documented the best campsites, recreational cabins, and kayaking routes in the area. It's an excellent guidebook to the sheltered bays and inlets of the Sound, along with the best shore-based campsites. Kayaking and Camping also includes fishing information, where applicable.
Click on the following links to review angling opportunities in the various areas accessing Prince William Sound.
Whittier Saltwater Fishing | Seward Saltwater Fishing | Cordova Saltwater Fishing | Valdez Saltwater Fishing | Valdez Roadside Fishing
Ontario is a vastly beautiful area of Canada. With lots of lakes and even the Lake Superior, there is plenty to see and do. Everything from big RV Resorts to more rural and humble areas, Ontario has you covered.
This section will be about places that have full hookup. It does not have to be parks per se but it does have to have a modern appeal to those who would live with water and electricity.
1. Niagara Falls KOA
Rates (Day/Week/Month): Call for current price
- Wi-Fi
- Hot tub/Sauna
- Dog park
- Mini golf
- Pool
- Niagara Falls
- Drive-in theater
- Dinner theater
This site is a part of the Kampgrounds of America (KOA). KOA campsites are meant for optimal modern RV camping. There is plenty here for you with a lot of great perks.
They provide full hookup for all kinds of RVs. They have back-in sites available.
This place really has a lot for you to experience. There are so many things to see around this place. You have the main attraction: Niagara Falls. Other places are close by for you to check out.
There is a dinner theater called “Oh Canada, EH?” That name is so funny. I love the self-referential humor. There is also a drive-in movie theater. I love those. Both of these theaters are fantastic date ideas. I highly recommend them.
As for the more common things, there is a mini golf area that you can pay to play. You can rent bikes as well. There is a dog park if you take your dog. I always look for places that have a dog-friendly environment.
To wind down, you can hit the pool or hot tub/sauna and maybe catch some dinner theater afterward.
2. Lagoon Tent and Trailer Park
Rates (Day/Week/Month): Call for current price
- Canoe/Kayak rental
- Dog park
- Mini Golf
- Playground
- Showers
- Beaches
- ATV/UTV/Dirt bike friendly
The thing that I like most about Lagoon Tent and Trailer is how wooded it is. Canoeing here is a really calm experience.
The WiFi here is free but it is not very good. I would not come here if you are planning on using your phone a lot. They do have showers here that you can use so that is nice.
Some good things about this place are that they have a playground for the kids and some mini golf for a nice half hour of fun. They have some beaches you can take a stroll on. In the summer of 2019, they will be adding a new dog park which is a great addition to the whole place.
You can rent canoes and kayaks here. This place is one of the few places that I have seen advertises about being ATV/UTV/Dirt bike friendly. They do require that you present proof of insurance and sign a waiver before going out on your off-road vehicle.
3. 4 Seasons Trailer and Tent Park
Rates (Day/Week/Month): $55/$379/$675
- Swimming pool
- Playground
- Campfires allowed
- Laundry
- Showers
- Wi-Fi
- Cable
- Horseshoes
- Wagon rides
4 Seasons Trailer and Tent Park is the ultimate place to take your kids in an Rv in the Ontario area. Why? Because of all of the activities that they have.
Besides having modern conveniences, they have so many things available to keep your kids busy and outside. There is a pool which is great fun for the entire family.
There is a playground that will give hours of fun. Along with that are a softball area, horseshoes, shuffleboard, and bingo. A lot of these activities are also for adults, especially bingo. They provide wagon rides as well. You can call them and ask about the times and what the details are.
4 Seasons also have planned activities each weekend. These generally start happening when it starts to warm up. They have a calendar on their website that updates with activities.
4. Wawa RV Resort and Campground
Rates (per night): $45
- Private
- Family-owned
- Wawa Goose
- Laundry
- Scenic waterfalls
- Showers
- Heated pool
- Fishing
- Pull-through sites
- Big rig friendly
- Hiking
This place is technically rustic in style but I left in the parks area because it has a heated pool and showers which made this place feel not very rustic.
If you want modern perks and amenities with a quieter, rustic feel, Wawa RV Resort and Campground is something you will want to look into.
Valdez Best Hookup Spot Camera
Wawa RV Resort has a full hookup for your RV with 30 amp electrical, water and sewer. The resort also provides warm showers and restrooms for you to use. Laundry is available if you need it.
This place is really accommodating to RVs as well with pull-through sites and big rig friendly areas.
There is plenty of fishing to do during the day. Hiking around here is beautiful. Take a hike around the Wawa Lake Beachfront Trail. There are plenty of other hikes as well around here.
Do NOT forget to check out the giant goose and take a picture with it. This is a must see if you are going to Wawa.
5. Kawartha Trails Resort
Rates (General Seasonal Fee): $2750
- Pool
- Badminton net
- Horseshoes
- Recreation hall
- WiFi
- Playground
Kawartha Trails Resort lies in Peterborough which is in the southeastern part of Ontario. The Otonabee River is THE great attraction here. The Otonabee is a gorgeous river that you can watch flow on a nice quiet morning.
Valdez Best Hookup Spots
Out on the grass field that is horseshoes and a badminton net to be used for some sport. I love playing some sports with my family when I go camping.
Kawartha Trails Resort has a Recreation Hall which is essentially an old barn. They converted it into a place for activities that they hold throughout the months. They have a calendar of events that you can check out here.
There are dining areas if you have a big family meal. There are crafts you can make, bingo to play, TV, games, etc. If you need to do some work on your laptop, you can come in here and use the WiFi.
There is a playground area. This place really caters to families as you can see. They have a pavilion where they sing songs on Sunday afternoons. This is right up my alley because I love singing. Plus, it is a great experience to bring the family together.
6. Tomahawk Resort
Rates (Day/Week/Month): $65/$390/$1170
- Fishing
- Hiking
- Swimming
- Wildlife
- Houseboat rental
Tomahawk Resort is someplace you have got to see. The breathtaking view of the water is a must.
Let me tell ya, the sunsets here are to die for. I cannot get enough of them. You have to check them out. Along with that is the wildlife you will see. This place is picturesque. That’s all I can say.
You can rent houseboats for a stay on the water and away from people. You can fish here as well catching the classic Canadian fish such as walleye, pike, bass, muskie, etc. This place is a fisherman’s paradise.
Website: https://www.tomahawkresort.com/
Valdez Best Hookup Spotify
7. Tall Pines Camp
Rates (per day): $50 per 2 adults
- Fishing
- Bird hunting
- Showers
- Boating
- Fire pits
- Laundry
- Beach
Tall Pines Camp is a great resort located on Wabaskang Lake. Like most places in Ontario, there is a lake to go fish in. This is another place that is great for fishing.
One thing I think that this camp excels in is that it has the docks for boating close to the cabins and RV areas. All the living quarters are either on the lakefront or very close.
They do have boats that you can use or you can bring your own. They have a concrete launch area to make it easy access to all who choose to bring their own boat.
You can go bird hunting here as well. Specifically, grouse hunting. The Perrault Falls area, which is near Wabaskang Lake, is a great area for grouse hunting.
If you have that itch to fish or hunt, give this place a look. Plus, you can’t beat that view.
8. Moosehorn Lodge
Rates (Day/Week/Month): Call for price quote
- Fishing
- Ice fishing
- Fire pits
- Lake
- Nearby golfing
Moosehorn Lodge is located near the scenic Lac Seul reservoir. This area is filled with fish and anglers to catch them. All the walleye you could ever want will be here in the water as well as others like the northern pike.
This lodge has a great view of the water. The sunsets are to die for. I would say this is worth checking out. There are 750,000 acres of water filled with all kinds of fish.
There are restaurants and shopping to be done around the lodge. If you are looking for a break from fishing, take a day on the green and play some golf.
There are fishing trips daily that you can go on. The experts will guide and show you the best spots around. This lake is absolutely beautiful. If you are looking to fish on your getaway, this is the place to do it.
9. Thunder Bay KOA
Rates (Day/Week/Month):
- WiFi
- Pool
- Mini Golf
- Fishing
- Dog Park
Near Lake Superior is this great place to stay. There are so many things surrounding this place like Kakabeka Falls, Ouimet Canyon, The Fort Williams Historical Park, etc.
Bring your dog along because there is a dog park for them. They are really dog-friendly and I appreciate that because I take my dog frequently with me wherever I go.
The pools here are heated saltwater so do not get it in your eyes. They recently put in a splash pad which for some reason kids just love. There are a driving range and some mini golf for a friendly, family competition.
There are tons of planned activities like hayrides. This place is great to take the whole family for some needed bonding time. There is something for everybody. I would highly suggest checking out Thunder Bay KOA when you are planning on going to Lake Superior.
The more rustic kind of camping is that which does not always have a full hookup for the RV. Those would want to live off of what is around them or get away from the crowd should look into these places.
10. Bala Woodlands Tent and Trailer Campground
Rates (per week): $595
- Lake Medora
- Hiking
- Bala Woodlands
- Beach
- Picnic areas
- Fishing
- Nature viewing
If you are a fan of wooded areas, I would highly suggest going to the Bala Woodlands. There are 160 acres of trees along with grass fields of picnicking in. There is plenty of beach and sand to explore that hugs the water in the pristine Lake Medora.
This place does have hookups for your RV if you so desire. There is a 15 amp electric service and waste station available to you.
Fishing is a great time here. Anglers find themselves here catching largemouth and smallmouth bass. If you do not want to catch fish, catch some Zs taking a nice nap out on your boat or just sleeping in a hammock.
11. Birch Dale Lodge and Campground
Rates (Day/Week): $40/$200
- Fishing
- Hunting
- Laundry
- Picnic areas
- Swimming
- Hiking
- Golfing
- Sheep farm shows
Birch Dale is known for its fishing on Eagle Lake. Because of the habitat, game fish are plentiful here. Some of the fish to be found are muskie, northern pike, lake trout, etc.
They have plenty of camping for different kinds of RVs including 5th Wheels. The RV sites come with full hookups if that is what you are looking for. There is a dumping station as well.
There are plenty of things to do at the lake like swimming and hiking. If you brought some food to grill up, there is a picnic area and firepits.
Dryden and the surrounding area have plenty to do year round. There are tons of parks to see. There is a recreation/arena complex in Dryden if you are looking to get some exercise.
There is plenty of shopping and activities to do around town and you will not run out. If you are into museums then I suggest the Dryden Historical Museum and the Airport and Seaplane Base.
Festivals abound here like the ScareCrow Festival and tournaments like the Walleye Masters Tournament. You are sure to have some fun events while you are here.
12. Glenview Cottages and Campground
Rates (Day/Week):
- Hiking
- Outdoor pool
- Big Rig friendly
- Showers
- Fire pits
- Playground
Glenview Campground is a nice, clean area to put down for a weekend. They have some water and streams nearby that is great to spend some time pondering and thinking.
If you want to take your family here for a trip, it is a good getaway from the hustle and bustle. There are a pool and a lounge area with a pool table and some other places.
The hikes here are surrounded by the trees. During the spring and the summer, there are these bright colorful tones with the sun shining through them that makes the hikes just that much better.
13. Shady Pines Campground
Rates (per night): $48
- Wildlife
- Fishing
- Hiking
- Pool
- Sand volleyball
- Horseshoes
- Game Room
Shady Pines Campground is anything but shady. This is a quieter option that is oriented towards families. Nestled amongst the trees are the RV sites.
There is plenty of wildlife to see along the trails. Bird watching is something you will find yourself doing while hiking. I always suggest hiking wherever you go.
When your kids get bored of hiking there are plenty of other things to do. There is a pool here to cool off during the day and a game room for the kids when the later day rolls around. There are some events that the campground puts on during the warmer season.
One thing I love about this place is the sand volleyball courts. I love to play volleyball and it is so much better on the sand than a hardwood floor. Besides that, there is a horseshoes area and then a golf course nearby.
14. Ardoch Falls Wilderness Trailer Park
Rates (Day/Week/Month): Call for current price
- Fishing
- Swimming
- Canoeing
- Kayaking
- Shower
- Golfing nearby
- Ardoch Falls
Ardoch Falls Wilderness Trailer Park is somewhere you go when you really want to get away from life and everything contained in life. There are big lots and private ones for you and your RV.
They really pride themselves on the private nature of this place. Each of the sites is spaced out and treed so as to give that feeling of truly being alone. I love this. Sometimes it is just nice to have a place to be alone.
There is a river to take a small boat out on. Take your dog for a stroll around the river. The falls are also something you do not want to miss here. It is not the biggest or the grandest but it is some falls and they are always great to see.
I suggest taking a canoe out here or a kayak and exploring the area. There is nothing better than exploring in a kayak. About 15 minutes away are a couple of golf courses for the golfers out there.
15. Amazing Rocky Park Campground
Rates (Day/Week/Month): Call for current price
- Hiking
- Fishing
- Swimming
- Pool
- Recreation Hall
Amazing Rocky Park Campground is right out in the wooded forest near the Rocky Saugeen River. It is also close by a hydro-electric dam. There is a waterfall to check out as well.
This area is amazing and like in most places, there is fishing and hiking to be done. The trees here are great to look at and the canvas they provide is very comforting to a person like me who loves having trees around them.
Upstream of the dam is a wide area for swimming, boating and fishing. Spend your weekend or however long just floating and enjoying the water.
If you want to get away and you like to be surrounded by trees, this place has all of that. I mean it is literally covered and surrounded by trees. Look up some photos and you will see.
16. Wild Goose Lake Campground
Rates (Day/Week/Month): Call for current price
- Pet-friendly
- Showers
- Personalized service
- Lake
- Canoe Rentals
- Fishing
- Laundry
- Hiking
- Yoga
Wild Goose Lake Campground is for traditionalists and for those who want to be in an RV but still be more remote. This place sits right on the water and it is a pretty good ways away from everything.
Before I start sharing about this place, one thing that I really appreciate about this place was that they showed you to where your campsite was. It was not like, “it is down the road and to the right.” No. They actually took us there and showed us.
Since this place is on the river, most of the sounds you will hear is the water and birds. Thinking about it just makes me smile. It is so calming and peaceful. I love it.
They even provide yoga instruction here during certain times. I mean how cool is that? they really want you to feel comfortable and calm while you are here. This is what I live for.
17. Canoe Lake Campground
Rates (seasonal): Call for current price
- Fishing
- Boating
- Canoeing
- Kayaking
- Swimming
Canoe Lake has only seasonal campsites for your RV. But this area is beautiful to stay at anyways. Take your boat out for a ride to see what the area has to offer.
They recently installed washrooms and showers to make the experience better for those that come and enjoy their campground.
There are fish to catch here. Namely the pike and bass. Take a swim off the sandbar and enjoy the water on a hot summer day. The lake here is really clear so you can see fish if you know where to find them.
There are a couple of small towns around the area that have some places to eat and shop. I always enjoy the small town vibes and I always make a point to visit these places.
Related Questions:
Is it legal to camp on Crown land? Canadian citizens can camp for free up to 21 days in a calendar year on Crown land. Some areas are prohibited and if caught camping there, you will be fined.
What is a full hookup RV site? A full hook up is an RV spot with at least 30-amps of electricity, water supply and a dump station for gray and black water.